Through the governance and Advocacy ministry, the church seeks to expand its relevance to the society by creating and extending a working relationship between the church and the state. This initiate is designed to build a consciousness and to establish and develop sustainable mutual interactions and working relationship for the welfare of the society


To see everyone embrace Godly principles in regard to leadership and governance for society founded on justice and righteousness.


To engage with influence and transform all levels of leadership and governance structures through godly advocacy strategies for the welfare of the society


  1. To create a sustainable working  relationship between the local public leadership and the church
  2. Create an understanding of the duty of the Christian in local and national affairs
  3. Analyze government policies in order to positively influence policy making for the kingdom of God
  4. Through constructive advocacy ,to prompt public leadership and the state to pro-actively carry out their mandate in identifying issues of the welfare of the society
  5. Mobilize the church to pray and give spiritual and moral support to public leadership and the state
  6. Sensitize Christians to pro-actively participate in the government
  7. Conduct activities and programs by which to build the spiritual capacity of public leadership
  8. Identify ways and means by which to enhance servat leadership and intergrity
  9. Set up annual awards for responsible servant leadership and integrity exemplified by public leadership.

HOD John Wafula

Contact 0722310320